
Facebook is useful or Not ?

Facebook Should be Banned? or Not?

student using facebook

                       A simple topic rose in my mind wheather facebook is useful or not?.Then the answer camed -  Facebook is a simple social media platform which connects people together. It's an american social networking service. it was created in 2004 in Cambridge(USA).  Facebook allows everyone to create it's own personal or business account. Anyone from any part of the world can access Facebook. It has almost 2.5  Billion users online every month. Facebook is the biggest platform ever which has almost 1.13 Trillion times like button in Facebook is pressed. It has many Billions of users which are increasing are uncountable. Students are also taking very active part in creating there accounts. Facebook allows everyone to post photo's and videos, add friends, create story, create groups, go live,Like and comment,etc. Facebook is also one of the largest platform for business. Facebook helps smaller businesses to grow makes many friends and removes loneliness which is available for free nowadays in modernization. one can Chat with their friends in Facebook which also helps in removing all the difficulties in mind.                                                                                                                                                                 Facebook is used for Dating and Business purpose. Facebook indirectly creates various employment opportunities. Facebook allows businessmen's to display ads of his/her brand with Facebook ads. The friends which are faraway from us can get connected through Facebook which also helps in maintaining friendly relations. One can create it's fan page. Recently, Facebook gives a new feature of video chatting in partnership with Skype. it is also used for video and Image hosting. Facebook users keeps on posting important Information and News to people. One can get followers and subscribers for blog content and it can be used as hosting platform. Facebook builds a personal portfolio which shows the popularity of user. 

                         But as there are advantages, there are disadvantages,too. One of the biggest disadvantage is it's privacy. Anyone can view the anyone's Information from anywhere. Also, Facebook provides contact number along with user accounts which promotes Fraud calls leading to cyber attacks. Nowadays, some peoples always keep on updating their status. This also gradually promotes to crimes like kidnapping,etc. Some criminals creates fake Facebook profiles and use account for illegal purposes like torturing, publishing fake links and hacking. Nowadays, Students are greatly attracted towards Facebook. The continuous use of Facebook slowly turns into Addiction.                                                                                                                                                                                        Facebook has it's advantages and disadvantages. Facebook cannot be banned because it has now become the question of employment.But, we can definitely take some precautions like changing Privacy settings,etc. we should take care that Facebook won't be your addiction.             

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