
Short Essay on Envirnment Conservation for students in English in 200+ words

Envirnment Conservation- a need

save from pollution
                 Our Environment is an essential part of our life. It is the source for us to live and to do any of our actions such as eating, playing, working, enjoying, walking, breathing, hearing and drinking.The environment is meant our surroundings. 

                  Today World is so developed in some areas and most of the areas are still developing. Everyone is in search of development. Developing nations are rapidly developing and in search of development various trees and forests are destroyed.But Everyone has to remember that if forests would not be there then this development is of no use. Along with development everyone has to conserve the environment.

                    Environment does not only includes trees, plants and forests but also includes Animals, Birds and Living Creatures as well as Air is the part of environment.we should save this environmental parts along with controlling pollution.We should Save the Animals and Birds. we should protect plants and everyone should plant new plants in order to restore the harm we caused to the environment in the previous days.

                     In order to protect and conserve the environment, National parks and sanctuaries for plants as well as animals should be created.We have to adapt the environment. We need to use resources in a discriminate use resources again and again if possible. Otherwise, existence of humanity will become a question. People will suffer with a lot of diseases. Famines and cyclones will become more frequent. Rains will become very untimely and damaging instead of helping agriculture.We can conserve environment by stopping deforestation, by establishing sacred Grooves which are indirectly protected by the local peoples, by following the formula of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle, by creating public awareness among'st the common people about conserving the environment.

                      We have to hand over this environment to the next generation in the perfect condition as next generation need good quality of water, air and soil along with plants, animals and birds.

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